High-end amplifier clarification?

At what point do you consider an amplifier high-end? And, why? What is a good example of a non-high end amp that just misses being high-end? Also, what is an example of an amplifier that just makes it into your high-end rankings?
Figuring out what makes any product a 'high end audio' product has long been a vexxing subject. In thinking about this over the last 20 years, the best answer I have ever been able to come up with is 'intention'. So in this regard I think I agree with Phaelon the most, although most everyone here has made points that I consider valid.

But even with the idea of intention, products occasionally appear in the mainstream that are so good they qualify despite their humble origins. Radio Shack has produced a few of these, for example their Linaeum speakers from about 10-15 years ago. They were inexpensive but got good reviews. But for the most part, the intention of the designer will be the primary aspect we are looking for.
Hello ,

In regards to amplifiers: If you can't drive a 2 ohm load, you are mid-fi IMO .


Adcom and early Parasound amps I don't consider high end. A high-end amp will provide a spacious soundstage, float the airiest highs, deliver a full but sparkling midrange, and has excellent dynamics/bass without sounding boomy. It should do all this and still sound musically involving & refined. Given that & without an equally high-end preamp you will fall short of your goals - 02-28-11: Phd

I have seen them send off many a so called hi-end amps, the magic is in the load ..

Weseixas, so if an amplifier that can't drive 2 ohms but otherwise sounds better than one that can, its still mid-fi? So sound has nothing to do with high end or mid fi?
Atmasphere, Weseixas answer is very vague plus his statement that an amplifier should have the ability to drive a 2 ohm load otherwise he considers it midfi, is misleading. But if you do some searching under his user name you will see that his statement reflects his frustration to find an amp that will drive ribbon speakers.