Do you leave your components on 24/7?

Lately I've been leaving my components on all the time, on the assumption that a) they'll be ready when I want to listen, and b) the on/off cycle ages the equipment (tubes, anyway) faster than leaving everything on. Is the latter a reasonable assumption?
Haven't had my stuff off for years , except to try a component or tweak . The bigger solid state amps seem to sound smoother after a few days of continued continuity . Brake down rate has been non-existent , accept for C.D. spinners .
Many of you are so ecologically bad; it's beyond words. You can buy electricity but you won't need it in hell. Keep it on all the time.
I think hell would have to have runs on some imaginary power? Get real....
I don't think Hi Fi's are allowed in hell . A good reason not to go . Besides music there would make it more like heaven .
As far as being ecologically bad , the higher brake down rate caused by thermal switching would have other ecological affects that may be more consequential than the extra power used .