Help Diagnose Tube Preamp Problem

I have a George Wright preamp along with his mono 3.5 amps. I recently started hearing some noise or crackling through my speakers at various times. When I turned the system on the other day, it was very loud for a couple of seconds, but then went away. I've done some research and "tested" the tubes by gently tapping them with a pencil, and the weird thing is the tubes in the preamp all give off a ping that is not solid like the tubes in the amps (I don't believe the tubes in the preamp all went bad at one time). Even stranger, if I tap on the metal on/off switch, this also pings through the speaker as if it is somehow getting picked up by the current. Something strange going on, anyone with any ideas of the problem? thanks
I don't think it's preamp. I think it's amplifiers. Tapping tubes isn't a good idea at all.
I agree with Marakanetz on both points, especially the loud crackling, which typically indicates a problem with amp output tubes.
Incidentally, chances are all your amps' tubes are not bad. I've experienced loud crackling through a speaker several times before with just one of my six output tubes per monoblock being bad.
He said specifically he tapped on the preamp tubes and got a pinging sound. He also then says he gets that sound by tapping on the on-off switch of the pre-amp. Let's not lead this guy astray by not dealing with the actual problem he is describing
No one's necessarily leading him astray. I certainly agree with what you say about pinging sounds being heard routinely when one taps on preamp tubes, but crackling or ripping noises that come and go is fairly symptomatic of a problem with an amp's output tube(s). On the other hand, a troubled or overly stressed preamp tube usually sounds almost like one very gently clearing his throat or a high pitched eeeee sound. At least this has been my experience on a number of occasions.