SS against Tube Preamp

Hi Guys,
I have been adviced several times to get a tube preamp to mix it with my solid state amp. I would like to hear opinions about this combination and if it really change the sound for the better. I don't want to spend my money without to be sure there will be an improve. I mean between the same level.
I have used both and I really think it depends on the individual units rather than just Tube vs SS. Just adding a tube is no guarantee of better sound, you have to add the right tube for your system. Tube pre amps do not all sound alike; neither do all SS ones. Pick a pre you like whether it is tube or SS.
Elizabeth makes good points. I had tube pre's for 20 years. Last year I went SS. Different? Yes. Better/ worse? Yes. There are things I loved about tubes,and things I feel the SS is better at. If you buy a quality piece of either you should be happy either way. Try to get one of each into YOUR system and see what YOU prefer...
Find a dealer that will provide loaner's and try them in your system. It is the only way to really tell, all else is speculation.
Good advice above. I agree with all but Polk432. Yes, a tube amp could make more of a difference, but no knowing the rest of the gear, etc., it's possible that a tube amp could make more of a difference in worse sound.