SS against Tube Preamp

Hi Guys,
I have been adviced several times to get a tube preamp to mix it with my solid state amp. I would like to hear opinions about this combination and if it really change the sound for the better. I don't want to spend my money without to be sure there will be an improve. I mean between the same level.
You and I have some similarities here, so fwiw:
I too had B&K amps, first a B&K ST140 and later an EX442 Sonata (200 wpc dual mono) and many yrs ago, I too was told that a tube preamp was the way to go. I bought into the idea because it made sense and never looked back. Now, I am completely a tube person.

From time to time I go back to SS gear but never for any amount of time because I really like the warmth and realism that only tubes can bring.

I've also heard megabuck gear from ML, Krell, etc (6 figure systems) and to me much less expensive tube int amps sounded better...

The B&K gear was traditionally always very warm and tubey sounding (I went head to head with my EX442 and a pr of tube monoblocks and almost couldn't tell the difference!) so adding a tube front end onto the B&K stuff is a great combo. I owned a Music Reference RM5mkII for 5 yrs with my B&K ST140/EX442 and surprisingly a lowly Dyna PAS2 sounded much more euphonic when I used it for a short time. I would think a cj preamp would also make a great combo with your B&K amp...

But as Baranyi mentioned above, why not just go to a tube int. amp right now. I think once you get a tube preamp with the B&K, you'll like it so much, you'll eventually wind up getting rid of the B&K for a tube amp or tube integrated...
Just to share my experience. I originally use a Denon receiver, not happy with the sound. Then I follow the recommendation to go with pre-post route. I first try used Adcom and Rotel preamp, it is greatly improved over receiver, but still not satisfied. Then i switch to Audible Illusions L1 tube pre, much much better.
I cannot confirm if it is because of the tube, or with the design. After all, the AI is a more expensive unit than Adcom and Rotel. But I am happy with the tube pre + SS power amp combination. And I am not implying tube pre + SS power is better than all tube configuration, it's just I have kids, and the tube power amp is not safe with kids around.