The sound of glasswear

There has been lots of talk here about the virtues of using tube preamps with solid state power amps . I'm faced with the opposite possibility , I love my solid mistake preamp way to much to part with her and am wondering if a tube power amp would be a good move . I'm not complaining about any aspect of the sound now , But an amp is in the near future and I don't want to close the door and my ears on any technology , see system link for details if you must . Will this work or has anyone tried this with a fairly large tube amp ?
my set up has a ss pre and a tube amp. i think the ss lends itself to more accuracy and less distortion when placed closer to the source.
Maybe "pain in the ass" was harsh...I was referring to the fact that tubes are always in a state of flux, thus you have to monitor them for subtle changes as they die (in guitar amps I really don't care as long as they're biased and not burning up...preamp tubes last so long I sort of forget about them). SS gear (in my experience anyway) just keeps on truckin' with no audible degradation for a very long time.
To answer the above , I don't no if the Salons are tube friendly or not , there very neutral , I had used them with ARC's Ref 3 pre for a few years with no problem .
I have considered the MXR's but I am also using the Ayre C5MP CD player and seem to be getting alot of the Ayre sound already , I was afraid a third Ayre product might be to much of a good thing .
My local dealer sells ARC , but only stock the HD220 hybrid , I'm not a big fan .
The 610T is a bit out of my reach , the Ref210 would fit the bill but it would be buy before you try as they don't stock these amps , and the Ref210's 200 watt output is also 200w at 4ohm . My currant Levinsons 200w at 8ohm and 400w at 4ohm is just sufficient . Regards Tim
>>03-17-11: Stringreen
Solid state tends to come online more immediately than do tubes. As tubes warm, they sometimes create low sonic pulses that can damage a speaker under certain instances. When the 2 units are turned on together, the preamp opens sooner while the amp is warming, and there go the speakers. It is better to have all solid state, or all tube<<

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