The sound of glasswear

There has been lots of talk here about the virtues of using tube preamps with solid state power amps . I'm faced with the opposite possibility , I love my solid mistake preamp way to much to part with her and am wondering if a tube power amp would be a good move . I'm not complaining about any aspect of the sound now , But an amp is in the near future and I don't want to close the door and my ears on any technology , see system link for details if you must . Will this work or has anyone tried this with a fairly large tube amp ?
>>03-17-11: Stringreen
Solid state tends to come online more immediately than do tubes. As tubes warm, they sometimes create low sonic pulses that can damage a speaker under certain instances. When the 2 units are turned on together, the preamp opens sooner while the amp is warming, and there go the speakers. It is better to have all solid state, or all tube<<

It doesn't get any dumber than this folks.
Thanks Audiofeil. It sounded wacky to me as well, which seemed confirmed when I asked for details and didn't receive a reply.
Hey Audiofeil- Quit beating around the bush, and just say what's on your mind! LOTF/LMAO
I've ran combination's of the two ever since SS started. No problems! And yes, I still am. I've never had a tube amp blow a speaker either. I've lost count of the number of the speakers that were blown with SS power amps. I use fuses for my speaker any time they're hooked up to a SS power amp. Some will say I'm loosing a little sound quality, but it's sure better that no speakers, if they were to get blown from SS power amps. I'm listening to a tube power amp, driven by a SS preamp as I post this.
I thought the era of amp related blown speakers was over...maybe 20 years ago. Even while running sound at concerts using thousand watt pro amps I haven't had those issues since maybe I lucky? (rhetorical question...don't answer) I had a pro amp blow up at a show (internal loose screw shorted something) and lost a channel...pain in the ass...but in a small show I always could double up on a channel of a stereo amp. Even that didn't hurt the speaker.
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