Is it possible to get Hi-end sound ??

Hi guys,
Now, that I am inspired with this hobby, I would like to as you if is it possible to get Hi-end sound without to spend a fortune or selling the home ??
I am poor and want to find the way to do it if possible.
Some ideas !
High end sound is the best stereo that you've ever heard. I had a Sansui 771 reciever, generic 12 inch three way speakers and a Technics turntable. With that system, no one could tell me that I wasn't a hi-fi baddass. It was high end as I knew it and I was happy. For 25 years it served me very well until I was introduced to this site. Then I found out that I didn't have high-end sound. I can never go back to a system like that once I was exposed to the equipment since I've joined this site. Amazingly, I would wager that Sansui receiver system is better than 90% of what is in American households today. It was certainly better than anything that I had ever seen in anyone else's home, even to this day. So, if you can pick up a pre-owned system for say $750.00 and you love the way it sounds, then that's high end sound. Stay with it and be content. It's kind of like getting married: She's beautiful, kind loving and a good person, but if you keep looking, you could probably find someone better. Once you find someone better, if you keep looking, you could probably find someone even better than her. The key is, once you find a good one, stay there and stop looking. When I bought my current AR preamp, I was sure that it was the Holy Grail. I could not and still cannot imagine a better preamp. Guess what, there have been two more models released by AR since I bought mine and all accounts tell me that the new models are head and shoulders above the model that I own. Well, I've got news for AR, I've stopped looking. I like the one I married and I'm staying home.
Interesting point...

Again maybe the OP need's to define his definition of hi-end sound for us to continue with any sense of corrective argument here.
I listened to a system recently that consisted of Magico Q5s, Boulder amps, and wire that cost more than a car. It sounded REAL GOOD...I got home and listened to my cobbled together budget system and it sounded REAL GOOD too. I can only assume that my taste in carefully selected used items has paid off. That, or I'm an idiot.