Pre-amp Upgrade


I have the upgrade bug and looking to replace my Audio Research LS15 preamp. Considering the ARC LS17, VTL 5.5, Shindo Aurieges L, CJ Premier 17LS or even possibly the CJ Premier 16 LS or ARC LS26. Would be using with CJ MV60SE and Proac 3.8 speakers. What is your experience with these preamps? Thanks
I have owned both the cj 17 and 16ls II the 16 was better by far. Haven't heard the others on your list but for system synergy(match with your amp) I would stick with the cj.

I believe the Shindo pres are a game changer. The auriges were for me. If you want super hyped detail then the Shindo is not for you. If you want a powerful emotional experience and know the sound of live music then you must here the Shindo
I've owned VTL 5.5 and CJ 16LS 2. VTL creates big open dynamic sound that sparkles. CJ sounds smooth and mellow. Currently I use ARC VSi60 which is an integrated amp with passive pre. To my ears ARC sounds more transparent and musical than either of them.
Have you considered the CJ PV-15? It is neutral and dynamic. Or perhaps you would consider it a step down?