a good pre amp with remote usd6000 or less used

any good suggestion for a pre amp, SS or Tube..etc..does not matter , but with a remote control, I have 4 sets of AMP
Pass labs XA160, Krell 450MCX, Cello Performance II, Classic 30
ideally this Pre Amp will have XLR, as my active crossover are XLR only

mainly i listen to my B&W Matrix 800
03-29-11: Desalvo55
Can anyone comment about the TRL Dude?
Desalvo55 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

03-29-11: Desalvo55
I was asking in the context of this thread, the fore mentioned pre's and the folks commenting here. It seemed relevant to me anyway and may be of interest to the gentleman who started this post.
Desalvo55 (Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Dude does NOT offer a remote option so it is NOT relevant to the gentleman who started this post.
VAC Ren or VAC Sig series. Outstanding SQ, great remote, XLR or RCA in and out. Dead quiet. Atma MP-1 can be fitted w a remote, I think.
more than one person suggest VAC to me and some XP-20, however why..not much person suggest me a krell ? why not a krell ..since ovr my budget..or indeed aveage ?
i use my matisse reference tube pre amp for so many yr, and sold all my cello suite.. and got a Linn CD12 24bits (not too bad in the area of resolution even compared with some players today, and indeed musical)

cello is excellent, not exactly quiet for today standard, strength : the layering of sound stage...really quite amazing