Von Schweikert VR-9se

After spending an arm and a leg on a VR-9se speaker is it worth it to go crazy on AMPs just to drive the mid's and the high's since the speakers already have 2000 watts power sub combine.
it actually is not a bad idea if your budget allows. i know of a fellow tidal owner who powers the 'sunray' speaker part of his T1 sunray combo with chalice audio 'grail' SET amps and would not change for anything. he has tried alot of the super amps...both ss and set models and thinks what he has is ..' the best' way to power his speakers....

High end audio 101: The leading and trailing edges of the notes come from top module. If you add a sub woofer to a high end monitor and you get them to blend well you have the same concept as with your VR 9.

Just because you have a powered bass section which is much less crucial to drive with a mega amp as it is just low bass info, you still need quality electronics to drive the top module where the quality of the amplifier will create the magic you are trying to achieve.