Health Effects of Acoustic Revive RR-77?

I am presently auditioning an RR-77 and I'm wondering if people that use them have experienced any changes in their "health", either positive or negative. I heard a second hand report of someone sleeping significantly better. I also heard of someone who started getting headaches until he moved the unit to another room, however.

Anyone notice anything? I'm sorry to post this in "Amps". I tried posting in "Misc Audio" and got no responses.
May the 'force' be with you. A must if you are going into space, but other wise, not needed.
Thanks, Jea48. Some interesting reading.

I am still interested in the experiences that audiophiles have had with the RR-77. I've only had the one I'm auditioning for about ten days. So far, I'm not aware of any changes in how I feel and, of course, that makes me feel better. I will say, though, that the sound of my system is significantly improved. And that it changes depending upon where I put the RR-77.
Maybe you should order one of those "iRenew" wrist bands to supplement your listening.

If you ask nicely, they'll add the Ginsu knives for free.

"I'm picking up good vibrations................"
It's comforting to know that one can always count on something, in this case sarcastic remarks by Audiofeil.