Cmalak, bias is still at 65mV -- at least in the VS-115. As an aside, in the VS-115, each tube pair has only one set bias tube, the other being a slave. So, in total, bias is set on only four tubes and checked on the others --in contrast to the VS-110, in which each tube's bias had to be set. I note that in the case of the KT-120s, the bias in the slave tube was much closer to the bias in the set tube than with the 6550s. Who knows, maybe it's all in my head, but that's what it seems to be.
I'm 9 hours in and the sound continues to improve. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it seems that the sound stage is getting larger and moving back behind the speakers. Again, maybe it's all in my head??? Bass continues to improve -- one helluva lot of kick-slam. I may have been bleeding out of my ears from listening to Linda Ronstadt, Prisoner in Disguise LP. Lotta bass.
Then my wife start chasing me around the dining room table with a rolling pin because she was yelling something about the bass thumping from the stereo making a challah she was baking for the Jewish sabbath fall? How can bread fall when it's baking on an oven grill?? Where's it gonna fall to?? Any Rabbis out there in A'gon-land??
I'm 9 hours in and the sound continues to improve. Maybe I'm just imagining things, but it seems that the sound stage is getting larger and moving back behind the speakers. Again, maybe it's all in my head??? Bass continues to improve -- one helluva lot of kick-slam. I may have been bleeding out of my ears from listening to Linda Ronstadt, Prisoner in Disguise LP. Lotta bass.
Then my wife start chasing me around the dining room table with a rolling pin because she was yelling something about the bass thumping from the stereo making a challah she was baking for the Jewish sabbath fall? How can bread fall when it's baking on an oven grill?? Where's it gonna fall to?? Any Rabbis out there in A'gon-land??