Post Break-In Update: Probably have 25-30 hours on the KT-120 tubes in my ARC VS-115. So far, no arcs or blow-outs. The sound quality continues to become more mellow and refined -- not rounded or rolled off, just less edgy on the high-end. Imaging is very good, better than with the 6550s. The sound stage is more opened up.
Let's see -- the types of music I've played, vinyl: Carly Simon, No Secrets; James Taylor, JT and Sweet Baby James; George Solti conducting Chicago Symp Orchestra, Beethoven 5th and Tchaikovsy 5th; Stokowski, London Philharmonic, Wagner Selections. CDP: Marilyn Pereaux (sp?), Norah Jones, Jean Yves Thibadeax.
Everything just sounds better than before. As stated, better detail, imaging, soundstage etc. Of particular note is with complex orchestral music, it's much easier to hear the indivudal placement of instruments, less blurring and distortion. With pop-rock, voices are also much clearer, imaging is fantasic.
Bottom line: these tubes sound better in the VS-115 than the old SED Wing C 6550s. My recommendation is to try them when you're ready for your next tube change-out -- but don't forget to check with your amp manufacturer to find out if mods are needed.
Let's see -- the types of music I've played, vinyl: Carly Simon, No Secrets; James Taylor, JT and Sweet Baby James; George Solti conducting Chicago Symp Orchestra, Beethoven 5th and Tchaikovsy 5th; Stokowski, London Philharmonic, Wagner Selections. CDP: Marilyn Pereaux (sp?), Norah Jones, Jean Yves Thibadeax.
Everything just sounds better than before. As stated, better detail, imaging, soundstage etc. Of particular note is with complex orchestral music, it's much easier to hear the indivudal placement of instruments, less blurring and distortion. With pop-rock, voices are also much clearer, imaging is fantasic.
Bottom line: these tubes sound better in the VS-115 than the old SED Wing C 6550s. My recommendation is to try them when you're ready for your next tube change-out -- but don't forget to check with your amp manufacturer to find out if mods are needed.