Preamp suggestions

I am looking for a great 2 channel pre with HT bypass for dedicated stereo listening.

My current system:
Bryston 4BSST
Bryston 9BSST (5 channel)
B&W 804S
Rotel RSP-1068 surround processor

I'm looking for recommendations on a dedicated 2 channel pre with great soundstaging and imaging.

I'm open to tubes, solid whatever for $3-5K, new or used. I recently hears a Plinius 9100 in my system and the soundstage and imaging were a huge improvement over the Rotel.

I've heard great things about the Mystere CA21. Can anyone comment how it stacks up against the Manley Shrimp? I have yet to hear either, but from what I have read, the Manley may wash over the detail somewhat. The Mystere is very minimalist, but gets great reviews.
On the solid side, any thoughts on the Tap-X vs. the Wyred STP? Very different approaches in a passive vs. an active.
If you want to warm up your system, better move would be to go buy McIntosh amps which are natural fit for B&Ws.
I have veen very very pleased with my Musical Fidelity kW Hybrid preamp. You can find nice reviews of it in Stereophile and elsewhere. A true tank, a great sounding tank. It combined what I liked most about active pres (the drive and oomph) with what I loved in the passive pres that I tried (detail retrieval). They do show up here used from time to time.
To reinforce what Keithr mentioned, I own 804S and used to drive them with all SS gear and got a McIntosh MC275 (tubes) and loved it, and later got a Lamm LL2 deluxe preamp, and loved it even more. The ergonomics of the Lamm aren't for everyone, though. I don't mind not having a remote and prefer to spend all the budget on the sound vs bells and whistles, but that's just me.

You should audition the 804S and tubes.

My two cents!