who makes auto biasing tube amps w/200 wpc

Let's simplify the matter.

I'm at a real loss here to think of tube amp makers whose amps are both auto bias and have good power, say around 200 wpc or more @ 8ohms?

Might could go as low as 150-175 but I feel 200 @ 8 is about right, and would like to get as close to that spot as possible.

BTW... Non bridged amps.

Many thanks
Some Berning amps are an option. BA-150 is an old amp that puts out about 200 wpc. It was also made by Audionics. This was in the late 70's. These can be had for about 800. New Berning Quadrature is 30K but meets your requirements. Mike

OK... here's a thought... who distributes and/or seells the Audio Valve Challenger amps?
Blindjim I think audiofeil in Clarence NY carries the line;as I have seen ads from him on Audiogon selling the product.
I bought mine on audiogon used last year;it has been a great amp driving a very tough load (soundlab m2's) and it autobias's as the op was inquiring about;there might be other sellers but audiofeil is the only one I can think of.


where does it rate in your opinion amongst other tube amps your've heard? Please note those other amps?

One pr of mono blocks is up for sale now... but beyond my reach currently. going that route I've save up... a fair amount more.