How to power?

Run a HT Sys. Run stereo for music. (Mac mini). Have two W4S amps, st500 and st1000. Just add'd mono sx1000. Have Sunfire tga w/ 5 chan @400.
All spkrs are set up for bi-amp. So. I've got five channels to feed, and 10 power outlets.
Thinking of removing Sunfire, use 1000's cross front and 500 for rears. Only to free up cab. space and reduce cab. weight.
Other thought is use "carvers voltage" on bass, feed top range 1000, center mono 1000. Then bi amp/ or not surrounds .. Thk n outloud, any ideas be appreciated
Biamp Sx1000 top/St1000 bottom for 2Ch mains/music giving 1kW/ch/8Ohms; ST500 for rears; TGA for surrounds no need to biamp neither surrounds or rears.
My opinion: Carvers are loud as hell but no definition and limited range. The Sunfire will have cleaner, tighter low bass and crisp highs. If 400wpc can't cut a bigger sub.