Leben CS600 or ARC VSi60 with Harbeth Compact 7's

I'm looking for an tube integrated amp to drive a pair of Compact 7ES-3 speakers. These are both on my short list. Has anyone tried either of them with Harbeths - any thoughts at all?

I have very eclectic taste in music and listen to classical, jazz, blues, folk, bluegrass and rock (both new and classic) as well as a lot of other stuff. My setup is a pair of Spendor SP1/2Es with an Image Audio 65i tube amp (50 watts/ch with KT88 outputs). Spendors are BBC cousins of the Harbeth line so have similar qualities.

I really like the Spendors with all my music. The midrange quality is incredible - tonally accurate and very palpable. The overall sound is very natural with no sense of emphasis or artificial enhancement. 85 dB is about the loudest average listening level I approach and my setup easily meets that with power to spare.

The local dealer where I heard the Harbeths carries both Leben and ARC and they prefer the Leben with Harbeths. I didn't listen to the other combo (I was visiting out of curiosity, not in search of a change) but aesthetically I like the Leben and it certainly worked beautifully with the Harbeths.
I assume you have not interest in SS alternatives? I'm a tube guy, but it seems Harbeth is a brand that does quite well with SS and there are alto of high quality options.
Out of your two choices i would go with the Leben. Because i have heard the combo. (have not heard the ARC)
But, I would think about manley or BAT also. I have made excellent music using both brands and harbeth.
Had CS 300 and have NCSE (SS) paired with C7ES3's. Either is excellent. My trials indicate room dimensions matters more than tweaking around for some magical piece of gear. Got a room you can dedicate to your gear measuring between 10 x 10 x 8 to 12 x 12 x 10? Close to ideal size space with C7ES3's.

Would you be able to articulate the sonic differences between the NCSE and the CS300? I am trying to decide myself between the LFD NCSE and the Leben CS600 for my Compact 7ES-3 speakers. Hopefully this would be instructive for all (as I am not intending to hijack the thread). Thanks