Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha

Thinking of the Gryphon Diablo, Acuphase E560, Passlab Nt-150 or Dartzeel 8550 for the Sasha. Any recommendation from those using this speaker?
I was just listening to a pair of very well set up Sashas last week. The electronics were the Audio Research Signature Anniversary line, specifically powered by their 110 wpc VS115 power amp, a huge all tube beast rated at 110 wpc. All cabling was a high level (but not top level) Transparent.

The sound was stunning in every way. In fact, I've been going to the Seattle Symphony quite a bit lately, and this ARC/Transparent/Sasha combo had an immediacy and ability to energize the room and air much like a live performance. It's one of the best illusions of the more elusive aspects of live performance that I've heard.

Not that it's pocket change, but at $12K that ARC VS115 power amp is an absolute stunner powering the Sashas.
I used to on the WP/7s and drove them with a Spectron MIIISE amp and VTL TL7.5 preamp. I happily replaced/upgraded this combo to the APL UA-S4 integrated which is a single gain stage amp with extremely pure tone, which I still own although Ive sold the Wilsons.
JTinn- I looked on the Dart website and there are no specs or mainstream reviews, so I will defer to you.

Raquel- Sashas efficiency is misleading. They spend most of there time below 4 ohms with some tough phase angles---this isn't a 90db flat 8ohm impedance speaker---and not near as easy to drive as higher end Wilsons.
Dear Keith:

The darTZeel integrated was subject to a full review by Stereophile - here is the link:

The Sasha was also reviewed by Stereophile and subject to Atkinson's normal suite of measurements - its impedance characteristics are well known:

In fact, all of the WattPuppies, and most other Wilsons, drop to or below 3 Ohms in the bass and feature moderately steep phase angles.
" Raquel- Sashas efficiency is misleading. They spend most of there time below 4 ohms with some tough phase angles"

I disagree and strongly, sorry. Amp/speakers will produce loudness exactly as Raquel predicted (I bet she was a good student at school).

Probably sound quality will be "slightly" below of that Vladimir Horowitz or Eugene Ormandy would expect but listening to this ultra expensive combo ($25k + $25k) one with the wallet (but no ears) will be highly satisfied and will have something to show his/her non-audiophile friends