Best Integrated amp for Wilson Audio Sasha

Thinking of the Gryphon Diablo, Acuphase E560, Passlab Nt-150 or Dartzeel 8550 for the Sasha. Any recommendation from those using this speaker?
Dear Keith:

I would agree that darTZeel may have chosen to deliberately omit that review, as they surely know that the majority of audiophiles, even some relatively sophisticated ones that might be expected to gravitate toward an esoteric product like darTZeel, ultimately lack the sophistication to assess how measurements correlate to sound quality. Put another way, if the hi-fi industry learns what to measure, then everyone has a chance to make gear like darTZeel. Lastly, I don't want to diminish the contribution that Atkinson's measurements have made to the industry, but it bears mentioning that he ran Levinson amps and B&W speakers until very recently - in this regard, I wouldn't go to a Rolex guy for enlightenment about an A. Lange & Söhne.
Anyone familiar with Swiss music? And what the hell is A. Lange&Sohne anyway? Rolex I heard of. Swiss sometimes have interesting ideas about things including prices. As a result of this advanced thinking most of their stuff is good and way overpriced. For $25k you can blow the f... out of those Wilsons with great separates. So who needs this? Swiss perhaps. Anyone else?
"So who needs this?"

It was the author of the thread who asked about darTZeel - it was not an unsolicited recommendation.

PS - Lange is a German, not Swiss, watchmaker.
To correct my earlier post, the ARC amp I heard powering the Sashas was the ARC Reference 110 power amp, driven by a line stage from the same Anniversary Reference series.
"Dob- I don't know what you are saying, but the speaker is not particularly easy to drive"

Hello Keith - it is poorly written joke. Efficiency is related to air pressure of sound not its quality...

Sorry, of course, you are right - sound quality at certain frequencies will be much worse then at other due to difficult loads.