Spendor S8e Amp Suggestions.

I'm looking to buy a new amp - likely tubes - to drive my Spendor S8e's. I've heard these speakers really sing with as little as 50 watts, so I'm comfortable that an amp with between 70 - 100 watts would do fine. For those of you driving the older style SP series speakers, please keep in mind that the S series is a very different animal. Could anyone comment on the following amps as mates to these speakers:

Cary v12 series - I've read that the SLI80 integrated is NOT a good match, but haven't heard anything about the V12.

ARC VT100 series

Mac MC275V

Any of the Prima Luna monos.

Any other great suggestions. Pre-amp is yet undetermined. I'm rebuilding this around the amp and speakers. I'll figure out the pre next. Thanks!
I have paired the spendors s8e with an LFD integrated amp and am in heaven. I have the lfd ncse but from what i hear the delight is similar with the lfd III or IV. lfd is a British design that seems to be optimized for british speakers like Spendor and Harbeth. Since i use the lfd, my spendors seem to completely disappear when I play music. amazing sound with great yet tight bass (important to spendor who may be a little loose on the bass side)

Another good choice would be the plinius or exposure 2010s.

The LFD will probably sound the most tube-like, despite being a SS amp.

FYI, my dac is the w4s dac
And the answer is, these speakers are fine with tubes. Better than fine, actually - really, really good. I just hooked up a Cary V12R in 50W triode and they sound terrific. Lots of detail, nice air around the instruments. An all around good combination.