Thanks Bwhite,
It is the round plate that I have. I have paired these with the Sylvania 6F6G tubes that Ecclectique recommended and this seems to be the magic combo in my system. The strongest, most tuneful bass I have heard in my system, but not at the expense of mids or highs. Cymbals have a beautiful shimmer, drums have a nice crisp snap, brass has that nice burnished sound and the mids are clear as a bell. I have had 1944 Sylvania VT-231's, Ken-Red Black Glass, Neotron's in the line stage, but the Tung-Sol round plates make the best combo with the 6F6G's (for me).
It is the round plate that I have. I have paired these with the Sylvania 6F6G tubes that Ecclectique recommended and this seems to be the magic combo in my system. The strongest, most tuneful bass I have heard in my system, but not at the expense of mids or highs. Cymbals have a beautiful shimmer, drums have a nice crisp snap, brass has that nice burnished sound and the mids are clear as a bell. I have had 1944 Sylvania VT-231's, Ken-Red Black Glass, Neotron's in the line stage, but the Tung-Sol round plates make the best combo with the 6F6G's (for me).