Need Recommendations for SS amp for 2 ohm load


I'm in the process of upgrading my Innersound Eros speaker to Roger Sanders new 10b design. As an outcome, I need recommendations for a Solid State Amp that can handle 2ohm impedance and the phase swings along with the capacitance characteristic of the Innersound/Sandersound speakers.

I have the VTL MB450 which is a great amp, but the big tube amp won't be good with the wicked load of the electrostatic speaker.

I really prefer tube amps but the review on 6moon for Sandersounds 10c speaker strongly advise against tube amps due to the digital crossover it uses. My upgraded speaker will be using the same digital crossover, so my search now for a new SS amp that can handle this.

I'm looking in the budget range of $2-4K max...
The large Musical Fidelity amps are stable into 2 ohms and have a lot of power. My NuVista was rated at 275 watts at 8 ohms but in tests delivered , I believe, 860 watts at 2 ohms. The other 3 later models are all more powerful than mine. All can be had in your price range used. The JC-1s are also good.
Why not use Roger Sander's own ESL amps specifically designed to drive difficult electrostatic loads?
This amplifier will deliver more than 2000 volt-amps per channel into an ESL, and when driving magnetic speakers, the ESL amplifier will deliver over 360 watts/channel into an 8 ohm load, into a 2 ohm load exceeds 1000 watts.
He's got a used pair of monoblocks for sale on his sight for almost 40% off and just a little more than a new stereo amp
Try and find as used Sunfire Signature 600. It sounds amazing and puts out 2400 watts into 2 ohms. I use it on my Soundlab speakers. It has bested amps costing over $18,000.

You will pay $1500 used and send it right away to Rita's Vintage Audio repair. They will charge you $375 to bring the unit to better than new status. Best $375 you will ever spend. They go through the unit replacing all kinds of parts and the amp just sings!

Runs cool at all times and will drive your speakers with absolute ease. This amp is a sleeper and many will think a Carver made amp is not a contender. They are wrong. I would buy this well before the JC 1's which I have also owned.
2nd to Sunfire600. Best technology, best price, best performance and best amp ever built by Bob Carver.