Need Recommendations for SS amp for 2 ohm load


I'm in the process of upgrading my Innersound Eros speaker to Roger Sanders new 10b design. As an outcome, I need recommendations for a Solid State Amp that can handle 2ohm impedance and the phase swings along with the capacitance characteristic of the Innersound/Sandersound speakers.

I have the VTL MB450 which is a great amp, but the big tube amp won't be good with the wicked load of the electrostatic speaker.

I really prefer tube amps but the review on 6moon for Sandersounds 10c speaker strongly advise against tube amps due to the digital crossover it uses. My upgraded speaker will be using the same digital crossover, so my search now for a new SS amp that can handle this.

I'm looking in the budget range of $2-4K max...

I took a look at the Spectron, turns out they too are switching amps which is like my current nuforce Ref 8. They can certainly handle the 2 ohm loads, but as you mentioned Roger has made it clear that switching amps don't pair up well with his speakers.

I did have the old Eros MKI the very first model :-) So this upgrade will be a big jump forward. I actually just got it today and took a bit longer to get it in then I expected because my EROS is so old it didn't have the snap in wire plugs to match the new panel. I had to very carefully cut out the three wires from each panel from plastic snap casing...that took longer than the everything else....but WOW, what a difference!

Even with my nuforce it is sounding great!

These speakers are restrictive on the type of amps that you can mated with, but it's so worth the pain :-)

Enjoying my music and I sense it's going to be a long night...

Glad to hear you are enjoying the update.

I have no intention of changing my speakers any time soon.


I drive Soundlabs with CAT JL3's. Formerly had JL1's. The JL2 stereo is a more reasonable priced option. However, if found, the older JL1 monos would be a great value.

Unbelievably, the JL1's are rated at a humble 100w/ch, but don't let that deter you. They replaced a Levinson 336 at 350w/ch. and controlled the Soundlabs as if they were 500w/ch.! I do believe these 190 lb./ea. monsters will drive pretty much anything out there.

When thinking of CAT, pre-amps come to mind, but IMHO, Ken Steven's amps are on the short list of the best out there -- SET nuance, with push-pull power.

Sticking with tubes, Atma-sphere is a great choice. Wolcotts are used by many Soundlab owners.

Solid state - as mentioned, the Parasound monos are a good choice. When auditioning the CAT JL1's against my Levinson, the Parasound's were quite nice, just not in the same league as the CAT's -- either in price or sonics.