Pass Labs amps and Avantgarde speakers


Does anyone has any experience with matching Pass Labs XA30.5 poweramp with Avantgarde Acoustic Duo speakers?

The XA30.5 is getting great reviews all the time but in my part of the world it's a little hard (say impossible) to audition on my Avantgarde speakers before buying.

My plan is to drive the XA30.5 directly from my dCS Debussy dac.


Best regards,
The Norwegian
I would absolutely run a low powered SET into those speakers unless you are against tubes. A shame to own the AVs if indeed you are against tubes.
Mohano hi:

You have the bass of the Duo's sorted as they have their own 250w amp correct?
So all you need to drive is the mids and tweeters at over 105db effecient with a very easy load I believe over 10ohms, and easy low -phase angle.
So the ideal amp here is, for one of Ralph's Atmasphere OTL's on these.

Cheers George

Cheers George
You might want to have a listen to TRON, a bespoke UK valve amplifier company. Graham Tricker, the designer, distributes AG in the UK and has designed his amplifiers specifically to run with AG and other high efficiency horns. He has a distributor in Heggedal, Norway

I use a TRON Voyager to drive my AG Duos and am extremely happy. The TRON sounds great and it has zero circuit noise - so itÂ’s silent unlike some valve amps with AGs. If his current amps are too expensive, he is planning to launch a new lower cost 300B SET called the Atlantic at Munich in May.
I've tried 300B and 2A3 amps with my Duo Omegas - both far outclassed by the Lamm ML2. Even at 107dB sensitivity and with powered subs, the Lamms make a huge difference in bass performance (taken at speaker level, not line level), musical flow, depth, ease.
The new Pass Labs XA30.8 sounds EXCELLENT with the Avantgarde Duo Omegas. It is simply not possible to get any better than this that I can imagine.

I tried a 10 watt amp and I have to say... folks who use less than 20 watts for Duo's are simply not doing them justice. They send very anemic and simply cannot keep up and higher volumes such as electronic music, rock, or movies.

I am seriously toying with the idea of the Trios ... just not sure if I want to blow that much money yet...