Integrated amp and low sensitivity speakers


I am looking for a used integrated amp that has the ability to handle speakers with low sensitivity. Budget is 700.00 to 1000.00.

I have owned several amps but nothing has really grabbed me:

Onkyo a9555 - Was just ok for me, nothing special
Outlaw – Build quality issue
Bryston b60 - Just not enough power, Not enough bass
Sansui au 717 –Was just ok for me, nothing special

I have researched:

Rega - Mira-Bro
Creek 5330
Plinius 8100 (Looks good on paper)

My concern is the amps listed above just do not have enough power our current and would limit my choice for speakers.

I haven't heard Monitor Audio speakers, but I am familiar with the other brands. None of them are necessarily difficult to drive. For instance, the Totem Arros sound amazing with a Jolida 302b (a 45-ish watt tube integrated in your price range). PSB Stratus Mini's or Silvers or a Von Schweikert VR-2 can be appropriately driven by a similar amp, as well.

Depending on which speaker you choose, you could be well-served by a modest powered integrated, the Jolida 302b being just one example.

Plinius 8100 is a great choice also Krell KAV300I. Worth waiting for another $200 to ad to your budget. For the speakers you've mentioned these two are excellent.