NAD C165 vs Parasound 2100 vs Emotiva USP-1

I was looking at a pre-amp and wondering if I could get some opinions on the following.

- Emotiva USP-1
- Parasound 2100 new Classic
- Pasasound Halo P3
- NAD C165 BEE
"do you include the C 165 BEE in the "most recent classic models".

Yes I do, the c165bee is the current classic pre-amp. It has (from what I have read) a good headphone amp and phono stage. I did not use those features, but in it's other duties is was quite good.

That is important info. If the NAD is neutral it has a lot of features I would like.

It looks like it is down to the parasound P3 and the NAD C 165. For me. I was also looking at a adcom 750 but it lacks an important feature or two. So unless I hear that the adcom way outclasses the nad and parasound I will probably go with one of the latters.

The major problem with the EMOTIVA stuff, from an audiophile point of view, is that it does not cost enough!
if they tripled the price they wouldn't be able to keep them is stock. performance has nothing to do with it.