Kavent S33 owners...are you out there?

Just wondering if only 2 people own these things (including myself).
Hey Wolf

From looking through the A'gon archives there was a member in Jan of 2006 that listened to the S33.

Here is part of what he said about it:

"You might want to consider the S-33 preamp by Kavent.. It runs about $1199.00 new and sounds great for the money. Me and 3 others did have the chance to hear the difference between the S-33 and the X-1 Pass labs preamp and all agreed we thought the S-33 sounded a little better overall.. There will always be matter of option , but we all thought it did sound a little more impressive.."

I also found an owner of the Kavent S-22 here and his system is pretty sweet. The title of the system in the Virtual Systems part of the forum is called MUSIKAVENT.

So I guess unless other members come forward it looks like it is just you and me with an S33.

I'll bug you about your headphone set-up in bit. Sounds like you did some cool things to get a headphone amp incorporated with the S-33.

Keep those funny posts coming too.
Funny? My posts are all DEAD SERIOUS! I did see the archived post...it was part of what led me to buy the S33. Interestingly (or not) some Canadian dude who had posted pics of the S33 later posted something about Kelsie Audio going out of biz...which explains the inexpensive selling of things. I should just call Kelsie maybe, or gather up some venture capital and buy 'em (I wish...but I do hope somebody does). Check out this pic (from the Canadian dude)...it has "SA 93" (Vincent model #) printed on the circuit board. HA! http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt266/NY1PR2009/DSC03037.jpg

The headphone thing was easy...and you can hook up anything to it that takes a line level. I'm running a pair of old Straightwire Rhapsody ICs to the Bravo and it sounds amazing! I assume any other headphone amp would work too...I run the 'phone amp at about 50% or less gain.
Good catch there Wolf. I honestly never noticed the writing of SA 93 on the S33's circuit board and I think I've seen that pic quite a bit from when I was looking for info about the S-33. I had also forgotten that there is a relationship between the Vincent Audio SA-93 and the Kavent S-33. I guess we can open this up to SA-93 owners as well.

I had heard about Kellsie Audio Video Design going under as well. I too hope they can get some VC or acquired by someone who cares about audio.

Thanks for the tip about how to hook up a headphone amp to the S-33. I'm saving that one for later.

I was able to get a pair of AKG K-701's that have been modified so that they can be plugged into XLR outputs. I was thinking I could plug in the AKG K-701 into the XLR outputs of the S-33. I just don't know if I'm going to have volume issues. That and currently the Kavent P-3300 amp hooked up to the XLR outputs of the S-33 and the combination is quite pleasing to my ears. If it ain't broke don't tweak it I'm beginning to think.