Kavent S33 owners...are you out there?

Just wondering if only 2 people own these things (including myself).
I guess you have to email Kelsie Audio for Kavent, although I haven't communicated with them since I bought the S33...good luck!

'Jedinite...I gave up for now (impatient, and the Diamonbacks I had bought previously started sounding really great) on the DBS 'Quests and bought another pair of Diamondbacks from the same Ebay dude for $65 bucks a pair...safe buy I think, and after my issues with the Mogami/Neutrik cables it was great to see how good the Diamondbacks sound in my system. I think the fact that they construct 'em in China makes them a steal really...just a beautiful cable. I do buy into the technology of solid wire in a somewhat neutral dialectric. I have heard of the Shiit Audio thing someplace (I suppose in my headphone amp search)...let me know how it sounds.
Just looked up the Shiit Audio site and am completely impressed. I now want one (my thing in audio is really "bang for the small buck" and the Shiit stuff just looks so cool)...although I haven't been listening to headphones that much except when recording I'm kinda getting back into it for late night fun...I even ordered a better quality JJ gold pin 12au7 for my silly BravoV2, pushing its value up another 19 bucks.
3 AZ cables to audition at once. Very nice. I probably would get confused after a while switching between all of them. Still a nice problem to have. How much time will you have with all of the AZ cables you are trying out? Do AZ cables require a long burn-in period?

I got my Kavent S-33 used from an A’gon member not too long ago. The P-3300 amp I got directly from Kelsie Audio Video Design. I called them about a question regarding S-33 and after talking to them they told me they had a B-stock P-3300 for sale. Maybe just give them a shout to see if they have anything left?

Man AQ Diamondbacks for under $100. Good deal. All this talk of different XLR cables is making me think I should swap out what I got but I currently enjoy the sound of my system. I must resist the urge to tweak.

So far I’m really enjoying the Schiit Audio Valhalla. I got it hooked up to a Cambridge Audio CD30 and I’m getting lots of sweet music going on there with the AKG K701s or the K240 Mk IIs I got. It does run a bit warm but thank goodness for longer headphone cords. What headphones do you use when you are recording?

To the Kavent amp owners sorry for the stupid question but how long do you warm up your Kavent amps for before listening? With the P-3300 sometimes I wait for the meters to say .02 watts or until the amp is a little warm to the touch. I keep thinking about the Class A amps I’ve read about in the past that take about 45 min to an hour before they sound good. I don’t think I’ve noticed a difference in sound in my system though when the P-3300 is warm or cold but I figure I’d just ask anyway.

Just a note...I noticed the phone number for Kelsie is missing from their site, and I haven't received a reply to an email I sent 'em. Oh well...
Hey Wolf

Good catch again. My last communication with KAVD was on March 31 2011. I was talking to them about XLR cables. Oh well. That stinks they aren't around.