Nagra plp versus CAT ultimate mk 2

Hello there , i would like some worthwhile opinions .
I have the nagra plp now running for 3 years and im sort of ready for something new.
I can switch/exchange it with a closed wallet for the cat with phono as mentioned.
I like the nagra and will do some extensive listening at the shop before i switch off course .
The thing i like about the nagra is that it is dynamic and clean .
Th cat might have a bit more force/grunt and more " tonal colours" at least thats what i read and heard .
Its off course practical for a phono /dvd system only, just as the plp
I think Jafox got it precisely. For tonal colors, I would look at the Joule preamps. I love both the CAT and the Joule, but between the two the Joule gives you more of what you are looking for, but both are world-class preamps that anyone could be happy with.
The best tonal colours (what an expression) i heard was from zanden , but a zandenpre /phono system is a bit to expensive and hard to find second hand .
There are no joule electra imports here , i never heard it .
Thanks for the input !
So the cat is also very neutral a good thing off course .
The nagra is a bit on the polite side .
I knew a guy that switched from nagra to cat and another from cat to viva audio.
And listened both systems and agree with their choices.

IMHO viva audio preamps are offering the best balance of dynamic and clean sound with right body and natural timbre.
Joule preamps are also very well if you like more tone color as said above.
OP, dynamic and clean -- yes that too describes the CAT. Can't imagine not being happy with any of the choices mentioned:) Local product support, might drive your decision. Good luck.
It looks like its a deal , ill be having a 2008 CAT ultimate mk 2 this week probably, ill post pics and comments