accuphase compare to mcintosh

1-For the moment i have a mcintosh int and i would like to know if the accuphase int have a better bass impact and dynamic.

2-What is the difference between accuphase and mcintosh in sound signature.
Accuphase gear is so overpriced not many can afford it. Mc gear Isn't cheap but it is within reason for an average joe that doesn't drive a fancy car or eat out in 100.00 plus restaurants.
Accuphase's top Preamps are far more expensive and have a performance level way beyond Mcintosh for the following reasons. The circuit board material used in Accuphase's top model's is either Teflon or Fluorocarbon Resin which is very expensive and far more costly than the common green copper/glass boards found in Mcintosh. You will not find Teflon or Fluorocarbon resin boards in Mcintosh. Also, Accuphase uses NASA grade parts in their top models such as resistors, capacitors, and transistors that cost many times more than the military grade parts in Mcintosh. NASA grade parts have a defect rate 1/2 to 1%. Military grade parts have a defect rate between 3 and 5%. NASA grade parts always will result in a far superior sound, which is why Audiophiles who are aware of this will go the extra mile and buy components new or used with these materials knowing well the sonic results. This is why I state that Accuphase is like a Rolls Royce and Mac is like a Toyota Camry...SUPERIOR QUALITY!!! get what you pay for...
You really sound like you are desperate to prove that Accuphase is better than McIntosh, but the reasons that you come up with are absurd. Three cooling fans in a player proves bad engineering? If you are qualified to second guess their decisions, maybe you should be designing audio equipment yourself.
Th number of pieces of Mac for sale on Audiogon compared to Accuphase pieces is also without meaning in this case since Mac has much wider distribution, and therefore there are more pieces in circulation.
You are embarassing yourself.