accuphase compare to mcintosh

1-For the moment i have a mcintosh int and i would like to know if the accuphase int have a better bass impact and dynamic.

2-What is the difference between accuphase and mcintosh in sound signature.
Audiozen - Since you say McIntosh in not Ultra High End and Accuphase is, perhaps it would be helpful to look at the history of Accuphase. Wasn't Accuphase called Kensonic Laboratories, Inc.? My E-202 said Kensonic on the back. Didn't Kenwood still own part of Kensonic until the 1990's? I don't see much Kenwood equipment in the realm of Ultra High End. Just as a note - I have owned McIntosh gear and Accuphase gear and enjoyed both with little to critisize. One thing I can say about the old Mac gear I owned, however, is it was bullet-proof and never broke. I do, however, recall having my E-202 back to the shop on several occasions.
T_bone..your comments in the novel you just wrote are redundant..all these issues have already been reality, NASA was influenced by high quality parts that were taken from circuit boards removed from the dash boards of the UFO's that crashed in Roswell on July 4th, 1947 on Matt Braswell's farm..we can thank the Aliens for High End Audio..God bless those little grey's...
What is better, hospital grade or NASA grade, I want the very best this world can offer. My power receptacles say hospital grade, but I'm not sure they sound better - though they may save me from an unfortunate accident of there is too much oxygen in the room.
T_bone..I have studied the Audio industry religiously for many years..going all the way back to the invention of two channel at CBS Labs in 1934..the three classifications of component parts has been referred to and discussed in many articles and reviews I have read over the past 25 years, and not just a one time discovery from Stereophile hyperbole..and is a term that is common knowledge with Audiophiles who were members of the State Audio Society I belonged to for several years..and is also common knowledge amongst circuit appears that many Audiophiles who have responded to this subject on this thread, lack the education and awareness of these standards, and never have taken the time to study parts designs and how they are classified, have to mask and cover up their ignorance with cynicism.. those who are not familiar..need to get beyond " college level audio syndrome" and delve deeper and study the classifications of Audio parts which will give you better insight why those, who can afford, buy exotic designed amps and preamps costing $ 30K or more for the very reasons I have discussed..many of my Audiophile friends are aware of NASA grade as common knowledge..Where have you been?...
I'm humbled to be in the presence of such greatness.

This is awesome.

I can't imagine how much more you'll have to offer after completing that GED.