Room Treatments for Maggies

Can anyone share advice on how to approach room treatments for Maggies?

Is there a best place to start that will maximize the impact?

I have read a number of posts on various sites on the internet that say traps up in the corners of the front wall help a lot but I do not know if this applies to Maggies as well as box speakers.
Donc55 -

re 3 "3) Damp the wall behind the speaker, but not too dead. Keep the front corners and wall on the sides, bare or live. Keep the rear wall live."

How do you recommend damping the wall behind the speakers without room treatments?
if i didn,t dampen the upper corners and rear wall in my room [14 x 18 ft] i couldn,t stand to listen to my magnepans. standing wave boom is awful. and i have the spks 5 feet away from front wall and 3 feet in from sides with home made stands and support rods. but thats just my experience

I have used draps or hanging blinds over glass windows or sliding doors. Try large stretched fabric wall portrait art work, tapestry, or a Navaho rug, on the wall behind the speakers. Fake large plants look and work well also. Anything that scatters or slightly absorbs sound, and has decent WAF. After all, women also like to listen to good music. You do not want to insult them with poor taste.