Pls recommend a tupe pre under 2500 for my system.

I 'd like to add some warmth to my system by adding a used tube preamp to it for less than $2,500. I listen to everything except rap. My current set-up is used for HT and 2 channel listening, and is comprised of the following pieces:

• Bel Canto Ref 500S
• Arcam AV8
• Ohm 100 S3
• Arcam FMJ 139
• Synergistc wires
• PS Audio Quintet

This will be my first piece of tubed gear. Thanks!
Would anyone characterize modern ARC preamps using the 6H30 tube as "warm" in the traditional sense? I'm a little on the fence about that one.

Of the ones mentioned, I'd say Cary is closest to the warm, lush, type of sound. But, that is really my impression of some of their power amps more than their preamps. Art Audio would probably be the next.

Of course, most tube preamps are going to warm compared to most solid state.
Interesting comment Darlmoebius about ARC pre's that use the 6H30 tube. I've read numerous posts here and there that seem to make the point that the 6H30 tube makes ARC amps and pre's sound more analytical, almost "SS-like." At this point, the only piece of ARC gear in my rig that doesn't use the 6H30 in the audio circuit is my PH-7 phono pre. Can't honestly say that I've heard enough ARC gear to express a view one way or the other.
I own an LS-25 and agree that it doesn't have a trace of "tube warmth". That said, it doesn't have any SS "edge" either. This particular piece might be the most extreme ARC pre in that regard, but I still wouldn't call it SS sounding. Just "pretty neutral" and quite revealing. Later versions from ARC may have backed off a bit, but none that I've heard sound at all tube-like.

Therefore, I'd agree that these wouldn't be on my personal list of preamps appropriate to the OP's stated desire.

I was going to suggest the BAT 3iX, but the VK-31 mentioned earlier has a better user interface (the 3iX is very basic), while also allowing tube rolling. I don't know what the VK-31 users for power tubes (the 3iX uses two 6V6 tubes), but I was quite surprised that most of the improvements in warmth came from replacing these tubes.
Joule Electra LA-100 or LA-150 would probably do the trick, if they can be found for $2,500