amps for MBL 121's, help please

Hi there

After researching and reading quite so many from internet I am getting insane , the more I read the more I am confused.

Some says MBL's work best with MBL amps, other says there are many available options besides MBL.

I read several long threads about amps for MBL's at audiogon and other sites, then found a MBL gent suggested 250wpc 8ohm amps matching with the speakers. However, there are many say they use valve/amps with around 3-100wpc to drive MBL's and results are still amazing.

At the moment I'm quite dead on MBL 8011AM but after reading a long review about those amps, this make me wondering, shame on me when I have never listened to them. Other amps like Chord 1400E and Leema Altair are very very good IMHO...
Also I have been suggested using ASR Emiter 2 integrated amp to drive my 121's as many MBL users match this amp with their speakers. If you know about this amp and how they work with MBL's please provide me some information. But this amp is very fatiguing with other 3 boxes of battery and psu, lots of boxes.

Regarding the watts and ohm, do you think which amp is suitable to drive difficult speakers like MBL's? the founder of CAT said his JL-1 100wpc can let the spks sound like a 1000wpc amp - check from audiogon. Another guy told me he is using Unison 845 amp to drive the speakers and sound is amazing. Many uses class A amps from around 35-100wpc drive MBL's and they said great as well.

There are also many many more debates and discussions about matching low sensitivity speakers with amps and there is no final agreement about a best solution. As I cannot go anywhere with my speakers thus asking for advices from audiogon-ers is a best option at the moment for me. I hope you could help me to find a good one then stop swapping boxes . I am in no rush to buy new amps until I move into the new house this July, therefore all of your advices and contributions are highly appreciated.

many thanks
I used 8011AM amps with my 121s and thought them under-powered for those speakers. Switched to Parasound JC1s and it is much better, sound quality and power, IMO. Only $7000 for the amps, too!

Good luck with your search...
Thanks Nsirkin

I'm in the UK and the price would be in pounds :(. there was a pair of Parasound JC1 but sold very quickly last month. When I did not have money, there were so many choices, and now I save up a bit then...

any other suggestion?

Since the 121s are about 82 dB efficiency and need current, I do not think that there is competition for the JC-1s. 400w@8ohms, 800w@4ohms, 130 amps.

The 121s are great though, otherwise get other speakers that give more lower-powered amp choices.
