Hi Sonrock, welcome! I noticed you just recently joined.
Below are some helpful pointers to assist
There is already lots of info. in relation to this, endless reading and in the end only personal opinions and yours might differ.
Click onto my "threads and Answers" and you will be able to find lots of info in relation to such, when you read other members comments you can do the same also and again read info. within.
It's endless, you can also go to the main page of Audiogon
Beside SEARCH type in MBL and click search.
Page will come up with MBL items for sale, scrow down the page to the lower part and you will see;
"mbl" in the Discussion Forums
and below that
"mbl" in the Virtual Systems
click on either and there is endless info.
You referred to CAT product, been there and done that and if you want to know more you can PM by clicking onto my member name and then you will see (send email) this is a personal email off site.
My system;
-MBL 101E's
-VAC Sig. MK2a pre w/phono
-VAC Statement 450 mono blocks
-TW Acustic Black Knight table placed upon a custom made Minus-K platform with a couple of arms/cart combos
Below are some helpful pointers to assist
There is already lots of info. in relation to this, endless reading and in the end only personal opinions and yours might differ.
Click onto my "threads and Answers" and you will be able to find lots of info in relation to such, when you read other members comments you can do the same also and again read info. within.
It's endless, you can also go to the main page of Audiogon
Beside SEARCH type in MBL and click search.
Page will come up with MBL items for sale, scrow down the page to the lower part and you will see;
"mbl" in the Discussion Forums
and below that
"mbl" in the Virtual Systems
click on either and there is endless info.
You referred to CAT product, been there and done that and if you want to know more you can PM by clicking onto my member name and then you will see (send email) this is a personal email off site.
My system;
-MBL 101E's
-VAC Sig. MK2a pre w/phono
-VAC Statement 450 mono blocks
-TW Acustic Black Knight table placed upon a custom made Minus-K platform with a couple of arms/cart combos