Sonrock, as you can already see from reading the few threads posted above even more amps are thrown into the ring, there is no best just different and unfortuantly you will have to be the one who decides what you prefer and the only real way to do this is to have such within your own set-up and live with for a while.
There's allot more going on than just changing your amps, your room, rest of associated gear and set-up.
My personal flavour when I used solid state amps is to have them paired up with a tube pre-amp.
Good luck and have fun!
Hey Dob, hows it going he doesn't have 101E speakers.
Spectron mono blocks with both upgrades, I had the opportunity to hear a pair within another members set-up who raves about his system as a whole, I was not impressed and without getting into a debate I was not familiar with the system as a whole so who knows what was contributing to this but now I bipass this persons threads posted because the credibilty just isn't there.
The prices of these amps sure have dropped, only a few years ago they were listed with both upgrades for close to $21K and now you can get them for .... substantially less.
Joule, I had the opportunity hear their mono blocks paired up with the MBL 101E's and it was very nice indeed. I was looking at purchasing a pair but then a opportunity came earlier this year "had to book a flight" to hear the 101's paired up with the VAC Statement 450 mono's.
I was there for three days, for me I have never heard anything like this before so I pulled the trigger.
Any changes within your set-up?
There's allot more going on than just changing your amps, your room, rest of associated gear and set-up.
My personal flavour when I used solid state amps is to have them paired up with a tube pre-amp.
Good luck and have fun!
Hey Dob, hows it going he doesn't have 101E speakers.
Spectron mono blocks with both upgrades, I had the opportunity to hear a pair within another members set-up who raves about his system as a whole, I was not impressed and without getting into a debate I was not familiar with the system as a whole so who knows what was contributing to this but now I bipass this persons threads posted because the credibilty just isn't there.
The prices of these amps sure have dropped, only a few years ago they were listed with both upgrades for close to $21K and now you can get them for .... substantially less.
Joule, I had the opportunity hear their mono blocks paired up with the MBL 101E's and it was very nice indeed. I was looking at purchasing a pair but then a opportunity came earlier this year "had to book a flight" to hear the 101's paired up with the VAC Statement 450 mono's.
I was there for three days, for me I have never heard anything like this before so I pulled the trigger.
Any changes within your set-up?