can i improve my system with a better cd player?

I upgraded just about everything except my cd player. I just use my old sony dvp s7000 as my cd player. In the past I thought all cd player were the same until yesterday when I tried using my ps3 as the player. I instantly heard a big difference. Now I'm thinking I can actually improve my sound by buying a new player can someone recommend something under 500 buciks? I like buying used since my system is dated itself but it still sounds decent to me.
Yes a player and its either internal or external DAC will can make a big difference. Let us know the rest of your system and then it will be easier to recommend something synergistic.
The source is extremely important; it is the component that processes and amplifies the first stages of the music. Let us know what system context will be used so that we can help you make an informed (and highly opinionated ;-) decision.
Ok my receiver is a dsp-A1 with an ext power amp, b&k 200.5 running at 4 ohms so I should be pushing 375 watts though them. I also have an energy microstar at 1500 watts as a sub. The speakers are bi wired with some thick monster cables. 1000's I think?
I like all types of music. I really enjoy sampler type cd's like the kksf collection and demo cds companies put out to show off their gear.