Best Tube Pre-Amp under 4K

I have an old AR-LS8 tube amp paired with channel island class d amps what would a newer upgrade under 4k thanks all
Ok, I have owned the CJ LS16 Premier MKI on two different occasions as I liked it a great deal. Based on my experience I know of at least 3 preamps that are better sounding today. Again, I have had some extensive experience with this CJ pre and the others listed below.The CJ is very nice, but these to my ear are better.

1) TRL Dude (No remote however) This preamp is really several notches above the CJ unit in every way. So much better IMHO.

2) Audio Horizons TP2.1 actually replaced the CJ unit in a long term side by side comparison. As good as the AH unit was however, the Dude was a big upgrade from the AH. I have not heard the latest and greatest AH unit however and I understand improvements were made.

3) Audio Valve Eclipse is also a great preamp.

The CJ unit is very nice and musical. However the above units are just as musical but have better clarity, focus, dynamics, imaging, scale, ease, transparency and on and on.....
You'll be hard pressed to find anything better than the 2 chassis Modwright 36.5 LS/PS, which has shown up here for a bit over 4K. The single chassis can be had for around 3K.
Just curious, have you considered using a Channel Island passive? That seems to be the approach preferred by the company. But to answer your question, the Joule 150MKII must be considered among others at the price point, I had the signature edition version and it was the finest tube line stage I have owned, and certainly not the most expensive.