selection of amp to drive DYNAUDIO C1

hi guys,was wondering which amp should perform the best for my set up,i'm open for your suggestion but will spend max for $3k,thank u all!
here what my mind:
PLINIUS 102 OR simple INT 9200
i like all kind music especially with vocal,the amp later will match with dac/pre either bel canto DAC3 or benchmark DAC
I used to own Confidence C1 driven by the Parasound Halo A21 (preamp Primare PRE30). Decent match indeed, but perhaps not helpful enough info for you, since I have not any experience with other amps from list. Pass X250 should be better, relying on price difference vs Halo A21. Plinius 102 reportedly has some tublike mellow sound character, which might be not the best match with slightly darkish Confidence C1.

Top new ontopic info, a few days old. A friend of mine, C1 owner for some 5-6 years (which means he knows well what is he talking about), recently employed Krell KAV-400xi on C1, saying that cheapo Krell almost blown away both double pricier Classe CAP-2100 and exotic vintage Sansui Alpha 907 integrades. Particularly in bass area, among other parameters.

Hope this helps.
I was using Plinius 9200 with C1 for 2 years. Plinius 9200 has more then enough power to drive C1, more then enough....

Now I'm driving C1 with a 30W tube amp, class A. No problem at all. C1 play music with authority, bass like from small to middle size floorstanders. Tube amp is a better match then Plinius 9200. Midrange, vocals... especially vocals. You know.
pani,i like it warm and natural sound.
consider PLINIUS 102 is class A/AB amp,is a good thing!
Zomi,i try my C1 with KRELL 400xi,is put control in the bass like u said but little to dry for my taste.
Jkuc,thanks for the info,i was listen at moderate,never pass 11 oclock volume as i stay in apt,but now im better stay with SS amp
X250.5 was the best amp, period, that I tried on C1s.

For integrateds, BAT beat them all.
Honeyooi, if your source is neutral sounding then go with the Plinius 102, you will love them. If your source and preamp is already too warm then Pass would be a much better choice.