Is McIntosh a stepping stone into HI/FI?

I’m a McIntosh fan/owner and still own some Mc gear. This is not a knock on Mc sound; rather it be tube, autoformers, or straight SS, the sound is unlike any other. I was wondering why so many move to Krell, Levinson, Conrad Johnson, Ayre, and BAT. Is it associated gear, or a food chain thing? I understand that ears are like eyes and all fault to different desires. I’d like to know if/when you went back and if you feel McIntosh is a stepping-stone into hi-fi.
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Among my circle of audiophile friends all of whom have had Macintosh gear in the past, it is not a stepping stone to improved sound, just pretty and expensive.
I think Mac gear is there indeed. It may not be the top pick of all, but that makes it a horse race. Value wise, compared to other top flight brands, it even fairs well in the bang for the buck department. It sounds great, is well constructed and is a joy to use and behold.
I think it is a two way street. I have seen people move from the brands mentioned to McIntosh and some that have had McIntosh and continued on to other brands. McIntosh offers a good sound to my ears and also a very good quality build for the money. I will someday when money permit try other amps, but the one thing I like is that I will not take it in the shorts on re-sale. McIntosh seems to have a good foothold inthe used marketplace. I am sure there are many brands that sound better, but in a bang for buck on sound, quality and service, I am in no hurry to change horses mid-stream.