Although not 100 steps the hificollective sells the Glasshouse Seiden 43 step attenuator (0.5W version) As a kit or fully assembled and Michael Percy Audio sells the Shallco 45 position kit. You would need someone to build it. They are both somewhat expensive but should give you what you want? There may be more sources for attenuators with more steps but I don't know them.
Also you could find out about attenuation at your amp end?
I built my own shunt style 24 step attenuators and made the steps very close together in the range where I listen to music. I know that everyone doesn't have the technical background to do that but you may find someone near you that could do it?
Also you could find out about attenuation at your amp end?
I built my own shunt style 24 step attenuators and made the steps very close together in the range where I listen to music. I know that everyone doesn't have the technical background to do that but you may find someone near you that could do it?