Best Preamp for Ayon Orthos II monoblocks?

I am looking for suggestions on a preamp for my system as follows:

Ayon Orthos II amps
Lumen White Artisan speakers
Nordost Heimdall speaker cables

Price range flexible, but prefer to stay within 10-12 K range.
Since you are a tube man the obvious choices are Audio Research and CJ; I don't see how you could go wrong with either.
What about Ayon CD-5s; functions as integrated tubed DAC, transport; an preamp; should have great synergy with Ayon Amps...list new for $11.5; but sure you could get for a bit less...
Someone I knew had the CD-5 and an Ayon integrated amp; the pre amp section was not good in either and my 20 year old Meridian 200 transport and Audio Synthesis DAX sounded better than the CD-5. He still has the Ayon amp but has sold the CD-5; he now uses a Conrad Johnson LS 17 with the Ayon amp.