Lamm 2L Reference vs CJ GAT

Just wondering if anybody has a chance to compare the two pre.
I have L2 Reference.I am using it with Lamm LP2 and Lamm M2.2 . Lately I am a bit annoying with the lack of remote control. So I have been playing with the idea of changing the preamp. Also, I could use an extra input more than one direct and 2 line inputs on Lamm. I can't find any information on CJ input impedance to see if it might match LP2 3500 ohm output impedance. Pre to power should not be a problem, impedance wise.
I already ruled out ARC Ref5, heard the 40th Anniversary Pre but I prefer something with slightly more tubey sound rather than ARC neutral, somewhat leaner sound. My local dealer should have one to try soon but will be awhile before it is burned in properly.
Much Thanks! Lloydelee21. You are very lucky to have spent some time with the GAT. I wish I could have any opportunity to demo the GAT, ART3 and ACT2 series 2 in one hell of a shoot-out!!!!
Yes, indeed! it is always a treat to be able to hear some of these systems...usually by being at the right place at the right time. Have heard big Tidal reference pre/amps, Tron Syren, Ref 5, MBL Ref, Evo One, ACT 2, GAT.
Lloyde, nothing yet. Unfortunately still no GAT at my local dealer. In the meantime, I went ahead with Aesthetix Io Eclipse phono stage so unfortunately I won't have budget for another preamp for quite awhile :(
Hi Suteetat,

Congrats...nice phonostage! Enjoy!! What speakers are you running with your Lamm electronics? Just looking into 2.2 does it compare with, say, Gryphon, Lamm hybrids, others?