Mcintosh MC500 or Accuphase P800

Hi all, I have a chance to buy either of these amps, the mcintosh some 400 euro cheaper...
Which would you advise and why?
My system consists of Accuphase DP 500 cd, Mcintosh c46 preamp and B&W matrix 800 speakers...
I don't listen very loud, and I love 3d soundstaging, imaging and emotionality in music , the feeling "I am there at the event" when I am listening.
Hi Blue, the c100 is a transistor two chassis preamp from the late 1990s. It was the predassessor to the c200, c500, and c1000 preamp. Never tried the cinema preamps but heard good things. Your c46 is more than likely as good as the cinema preamps in two channel mode. Traded my Mc500 for a pair of 1.2kws.
Wow sounds like a good preamp indeed! I like the C2200 and C2300 also, but never had a chance to hear them, but think tubes could add that little magic to my ssytem... Any thoughts?
Big difference between MC500 and 1.2 kWs?
I have toyed with the idea of tubes but never followed through. It seems that once people try tubes they always incorporate them somewhere in the chain from then on. I don't think you could go wrong trying a tube preamp as they sell quickly if you don't enjoy. Yes there's a big difference between the 1.2s and the mc500 as there should be for the price difference! That being said I could easily live with another mc500 or maybe two biamped or ran as monoblocks.