Is preamp remote volume a deal breaker for you?

I've been looking for a quality active tube preamp with remote volume control. Most high quality tube preamps that are reasonably priced (ie, under $4000) do not come with remote volume. Those that do use the cheap motorized Alps pot (I've had bad experience with Alps), probably because it's cheap and widely available. I've seen some very expensive preamps us this pot, unfortunately. The two very high quality preamps I've read about are the SAS Labs 11A, Don Allens preamp, and Atma-sphere M3, but the designers refuses to implement remote because they believe the sound will suffer. Atma-sphere uses a huge hand assembled remote volume only for there expensive MP1. A preamp without remote is a deal breaker for me. How about you?
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Look at the VAC Renaissance that is presently available here for sale. I am not sure which volume pot Kevin Hayes choose to use but it will be top quality. This unit may fit what you are looking for.
I owned Aesthetix Io and Callisto for nearly a decade before Jim perfected the remote. I was happy the whole time, you get accustomed to it either way.

I suggest you concentrate on sound quality and if the preamp has remote, that's great.