
Not much talk about Rowland. Why is that? For example, Pass is all over the place.
I am a software developer of limited funds, but yet wanting Rowland equipment/sound. My approach to solving the problem has been to acquire a Bridgeable Model 1 (obviously not enough power yet), and am now looking for a second, bridgeable Model 1. As per Daveyf's comment - hard to come by - especially with the bridge switch. The sound of my current model 1 is glorious! When I get the second one I will have 240 watts on each channel - plenty for me. This approach allows me to make the purchase in incremental chunks. For me, this is the best approach. Regards, Craig.
Hi Giarcwm, M725 in unbridged configuration is likely to yield somewhere in the general vicinity of 300W over 8 Ohms... But the amp has not yet been released, and JRDG seems to be keeping information about M725 "pretty close to the vest"... We might need to wait until the RMAF weekend in October to learn all details about it, including actual power ratings in both bridged and unbridged configurations. G.