Preamps suitable for CJ ACT2 Series 2 preamp.

I have a CJ ACT2, Series 2 preamp with a CJ Premier 350SA poweramp.
I am genuinely very happy with the sound but want to hear what other poweramp options others may have used with my CJ preamp.

Thanks in advance.
If you have an ACT2.2 - cj350 combo IMHO it is not easy to find a better amplifier for this preamplifier unless you want to go with cj tube amplifiers.

The choice of an amplifier always depends on the speakers, but unless you want to spend a lot of money or if there is an incompatibility between your current cj 350 and your speakers better spend the money in better cables or source :-) !
Agree with Lloydelee. That ACT2 S2 + 350 SS amp is my dream system! Play It Loud!
Thanks for your responses guys. Apologies for my delayed reply as well. Things are a little laid back down under in Australia!

I have two pairs of floorstanders. A pair of Acoustic Zen Crescendos which I have lived with for a number of years now and truly enjoy. They go well with the CJ combo so have nothing to complain about there.

Recently I wanted a different 'flavor' of sound so got myself a pair of YG Acoustic Carmel floorstanders. To put it simply the YG's do not seem to go well with my CJ combo. The music simply does not flow to my ears with the ACT2.2 needed to be turned right up to make the YGs begin to sing. Vol level 50 usually which is halfway.

I should of been a little more succinct in my original post I realized, so am looking for a power amp that could work well with the CJ ACT2.2 and my YG Carmel speakers.

Using a North Star Design CD transport and DAC combo, Jorma Origo speaker cables, JPS Labs Aluminata between CJ amps and Audioquest Sky from source to pre. Power cables predominantly JPS Labs Kaptivator.
Just realized a major booboo in my title!
Not sure if I can change it to give me back some credibility!!
Nice equipment...if your YGs are similar to the larger Anats which i have heard, i would suggest very powerful tubes? CJ tubes to start with? If the big boys are too much, you can get the older big boys and have CJ replace with teflon capacitors...'Downunder' here on AGon has done this to great success. Or you could monoblock a pair of older MV60SEs.