Preamps suitable for CJ ACT2 Series 2 preamp.

I have a CJ ACT2, Series 2 preamp with a CJ Premier 350SA poweramp.
I am genuinely very happy with the sound but want to hear what other poweramp options others may have used with my CJ preamp.

Thanks in advance.
Whats the impedance of the YGs?...not the stated impedance...but the actual impedance across the spectrum as reported in any reviews? For example the SF STrad was 4ohms nominal...but actually 2.7 through 2/3rd of the spectrum below 700hz or something.

CJ does not quite double down thru the impedance range...600Watts at 4ohms as i recall...but that is still reasonably powerful.

in any event, you may find the higher powered tubes have very high current and are able to really drive the YGs. In the end, SS Class A (Boulder, Vitus, Gryphon) are probably some of the most powerful amps that come to my mind. I am told Vitus is closer to Gryphon than Boulder in character. good luck and pls keep us posted if you hear the CJ tubes.
Increasing the volume of CJ Act2.2 to volume level 50 , is that too high when the max volume is 99 ?What is your room size ? I am using a CJ Act 2.2 with CJ 350 and I used to listen to it at around 48-50 volume level which I thought is normal. My room size 14.5 x 24.5 x 10.5 ft
The ACT 2.2's unity gain (where you are neither boosting or attenuating the signal) is 76. Anything under 76 and you are attenuating the signal. I'd say you are in the normal range.
AGree with Onemug. I've had ACT 2 for a long time...always play around 41 soft, 51 normal, 65-70 for movies only (lower soundtrack recording volume).
The YG's have a nominal impedance of 8 ohms and min below 4 ohms at 4kHz whatever that means. I am truly a layman when it comes to technical stuff.

My room size is about 5m x 5m which is 16.5 ft x 16.5 ft.

My previous preamp was a Herron VTSP-3a which seemed to generate a sharper more 'raw' sound when used with the CJ Premier 350SA in conjunction with both YGs and Zens. I did not need to turn the Herron vol anywhere near as high as with the CJ ACT2.2.

I think I had concerns that having to turn the ACT2.2 up to vol no 50 or above constantly would put strain on either the preamp or poweramp and possibly reduce tube life in the preamp.