Do you understand your amplifier?

I see a lot of people talking about the sound of their amplifier. Simply out of curiousity I would love to know how many audiophiles actually understand why their amplifiers sound a specific way. Simply put, how many Audiophiles understand the circuitry of their amplifiers. There is no right or wrong answer. I am just curious.
LOL @ Dill!
No I don't understand my amp, but as an audiophile I am a rank amateur.
Every time I try to learn about a certain design quality of my amp, like the damping factor or µF memory, someone posts about how that particular design characteristic has no effect on how music sounds. I think there are some electrical engineers on Audiogon who really do understand how their amps' circuitry affects sound, but I'm not one of them.
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I don't so much understand the reasons that certain circuit topology sounds the way it does. But I do have an understanding of the way different designs sound mainly from my listening experience with a wide variety of different amps.

Decades ago I was using Class AB solid-state, which worked well enough especially when coupled to a decent tube preamp. I've also used some hybrid amps and some Class-A solid-state here and there.

In the '80's I got into tubes big time and have owned many different tube amps of many types. Accordingly I have some favorite tube types and realize that the sound of any tube amp is highly influenced by its particular tube compliment and its condition. I recently owned a pair of Atma-Sphere M60 Mk3.1's with upgrades and liked their sound very much (though they were a bit hot running for AZ summers). Plus they only perform their best with 8 to 16-ohm speakers so they are somewhat limited in that respect.

But now, in this 21st Century, I've gotten away from finicky tube amps with their ridiculously priced NOS tubes. After trying many class-D switching amps (NuForce, Spectron, DAC, and Wyred 4 Sound) I believe this technology has evolved to the point where it can exceed the performance of most tube amps although I do admit to using my ICE and Tripath amps with very good tube preamplifiers feeding them. Plus I like that they are very efficient and use little AC power to produce their given output. Additionally, I don't need to consider that I may get a hernia every time I have to move my amps to a different system or location. I do have a very nice QuickSilver tube amp sitting in my closet as a spare and for nostalgia.
Liguy: Very interesting idea for a thread to me. No.... I don't understand the circuitry of my Class AB or Class D amp. According to one member here in paticuclar, it is the misunderstanding of Ice-based Class D amplifier topology that causes some audiophiles to:

1. pair Class D amps with the wrong preamp, sources, cabling etc.
2. and therefore not like the sound of Class D (unnatural)
3. have not heard the true potential of Class D
4. and therefore dismiss Class D as flawed technology

I've stayed the course to this point with my Class D amp.

This is sort of a different subject, but one of the problems I see in high end audio is identifying who the real subject matter experts are versus those who write in the audio forums as an expert would write. Then, there are the manufacturers and designers, some of whom you can't be sure if a "conflict of intereset" skews what they have to say. Many times, you don't know who or what to believe about high end audio. Finally, there appear to be some occasional myths and inaccuracies getting repeated over and over by audiophiles in the forums. (I'm probably guilty of this one)- I'm still learning just like you :) Dealers can have their biases too. So who do you turn to for accurate answers, based on real evidence and experience, who can be trusted to be unbiased, and really know what to tell you about system building across various topologies? Maybe many of us need Audio clubs.... There should be something like a high end audio expert software program where you type in your room dimensions, the gear you have or propose having, the sound qualities you value etc. The software program would generate recommendations on what sources, electronics, cables, speakers etc. you should pair together based on your goals for sound. Nice....